About chihuahua

Many of You may think that chihuahua had been bred to fit into a bag, but it's not ture. We are talking about an ancient dog breed. There are many legends about the history of the chihuahuas but most of them are not easy to prove.

Chihuahua is the smallest dog breed originated in Mexico. The Aztecs used to keep them as a guardian dog. Chihuahuas are descended from the Techichi, a small terrier-type dog. Archaeological finds show that chihuahua was sacred animal, companion dog, sacrifice animal and delicious food for the Aztecs.

There are theories about chihuahuas that the breed was known in the Ancient Egypt. The wealthy men gave to the women they love as a symbol of love.

Other legends say that the indigenous peoples of the Americas surprised their women with a chihuahua puppy after they arrived back from a long journey to show their love and loyalty. From this time the dog, later its soul stayed with its owner for the rest of her life and accompanied on the long way to the other world.

These small dogs get the heart of the owners in the whole world with their huge ears and eyes. Despite their size chihuahuas are very impetuous, can hear the smallest voices easily, fast learners, smart and very loyal. Chihuahuas are very brave, so You must take care of your dog because he/she attacks much more bigger dogs to save You.

The best dogs in the world! :-)